Habitat for Excellence skilled and dedicated health Care Professionals and Caregivers are second to none. We pour out our hearts in delivering excellent services with a healing touch of cheerful companionship wherever you are.

caregiver and patient playingHabitat for Excellence is a healthcare company that believes strongly in Enhancing Lives and Excelling Care for the people it serves. We offer quality, highly-personalized, specialized and cost-effective care, empowering individuals to function independently and live their best possible lives. Through a wide range of innovative services to individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Home Health and Nursing, and Training Services for health care professionals and care givers. Our dedicated and compassionate employees ensure that the people served are active participants in their own care.

We currently provide services in Butler, Hamilton, Warren, Clermont Preble, Montgomery, Greene, Brown, Delaware and Franklin counties.

Our Mission Statement
Habitat For Excellence promise to provide quality, highly personalized, cost effective care to individuals with Developmental Disabilities and other mental health diagnosis, Home Health and Nursing, and Training Services for health care professionals and care givers. Empowering them to function independently and to live their best possible lives.
Meet Our Executive Team

Nathaniel Dotse

Nathaniel Dotse and Miriam Acquah have been providing services to individuals with Developmental Disabilities and other mental health diagnoses, Home Health and Nursing, and Training Services for healthcare professionals and caregivers for the past 12 years. They are very passionate in providing the best care that enhances the quality of life of those in their care and help them achieve their dreams. They spend most of their time setting the strategic vision of the organization and cultivating a passion for organizational culture that centers on the unique needs of those they serve.

Habitat for Excellence is all about people. Nathaniel and Miriam feel their most important contribution is creating an organization based on sound values where the best people in the field come to work and truly enjoy what they do. They have put together the best team in the industry to achieve their mandate of Enhancing Lives and Excelling Care of individuals served by Habitat for Excellence.

Miriam Acquah

Nathaniel received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a major in Banking and Finance from the University of Ghana and a Master of Science degree from Miami University, Oxford Ohio. He is also a CPI certified instructor. Miriam is a Registered Nurse and received her Bachelor of science degree in Nursing from Central University College.